Web-Enabled Forms Function Key Descriptions

Accept/Commit Control S Saves entries into the database. Closes dialog boxes.
Block Menu Control B Display a list of all blocks in the current form. From the list you can select the block to which you would like to move.
Cancel F4 Cancels current query and returns to normal operation without performing the query.
Clear Block F7 Clear all records from the current block and creates a new empty record. If there are pending changes you will be prompted to commit your changes.
Clear Form F8 Clear all the blocks in the current form, deletes all data in all blocks of the form, and does a rollback. If there are pending changes you will be prompted to commit your changes.
Clear Item F5 Clears the entire item of all characters. In a multi-line popup editor use Quick Key Control-End.
Clear Record F6 Removes the current record from the current block, reversing any uncommitted changes. A cleared record is not deleted from database.
Copy Control-C Copies a text area after it has been selected and stores it in the paste buffer. Only the last selected text remains in the paste buffer.
Count Query Hits F12 Clears the current block and displays the number of records that would be retrieved if the query was executed. If used in Enter Query mode, Count Query Hits does not clear the current query.

If you press Count Query Hits immediately after pressing Execute Query, the current block is cleared and a count of all the records that can be retrieved will be made.
Cut Control-X Cuts a selected area of text and stores it in the paste buffer. The selected text is removed from the form. Only the last selected text remains in the paste buffer.
Delete Backward Backspace Text to the left of the cursor is removed.
Delete Character Delete Text to the right of the cursor is removed.
Delete Line Control- Delete Deletes the current line. This function is only available in the pop-up editor and in a multi-line text items.
Delete Record Control Up Deletes a retrieved record from the screen and from the database. Records are not permanently deleted until you commit your changes.
Display Error Shift Control E Display error or advanced help information, if available for the item in which the last error occurred.
Down Down Arrow Moves the cursor down to the next record while leaving the cursor in the same field. If only one record can be displayed on the screen the cursor will remain stationary and the record displayed will change.

When in a multi-line editor, Down shift the cursor down within the current item.

If the next record is a new record, Down moves the cursor to the first item of the new record.
Duplicate Item Shift F5 Copies the value from the same item of the previous item into the current record.
Duplicate Record Shift F6 Copies all the item values from the previous record into a new record.
Edit Control-E Displays a pop-up window in which the operator can edit an item.

Press Edit twice to dismiss the window. Press Cancel to dismiss the window without accepting its contents.
End of Line Control-Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the right of the last character in the line. Available in pop-up and multi-line text editor.
Enter Query F11 Clears the current block, forcing you to commit your previous changes, and allows you to enter query criteria.

While in Enter Query Mode the following keys have special functions:

Enter Query (again) - Displays last used query. This can then be edited or amended.

Execute Query - Performs the query. If records are retrieved, returns to normal operation; however, if no records are found, remains in Enter Query mode.

Exit - Returns to normal operation without performing the query.

Count Query Hits - Display the number of records that satisfy the current query criteria.
Execute Query Control F11 Clears the current block, forcing you to commit your previous changes and retrieves all the records in the database referenced by the block. (Only records that fit on the screen are displayed. Additional records can be seen by navigation.)

When used after Enter Query, Execute Query executes the query with the criteria specified.
Exit F4 Exits the current form and returns to the previous form or menu.

Terminates query processing or the List of Values function.

In the editor, functions like "undo" by undoing all the changes in that session.

In editor, dismisses the editing window.
Fast Forms (number) Control -0 to Control-9 Chooses popup fast form 1 to 10. Fast forms are available in some applications on the "other forms" button at the bottom of the screen.
First Line
Moves the cursor to the top of the text in the window. Available in pop-up and multi-line editors.
Help F1 Displays a brief help message about the current field. Pressing Help additional times will show help about the column in the database, the table in the database and the form itself. Use Exit to dismiss help.

See also Show Keys.
Insert/Replace Insert Toggles between Insert mode and Over type (replace) mode. The indicator will show (INS) or (REP).
Insert Record Control Down Inserts a new record after the current record.
Last Line
Moves cursor to the bottom of the text in the window. Available in the pop-up and multi-line editors.
Left Left Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the left within an item or line.
List of Values Control L Causes the List of Values pop-up form to be displayed, if available for this item.

Within the List of Values form it is possible to navigate between records and perform searches to limit the number of items displayed.

If the form has a Find: field pressing Next Item or List of Values will navigate to this field. Entering a search criteria and pressing Return or List of Values will narrow the displayed values.

If the form does not have a Find: field, enter query mode and perform a standard query to refine the list.

Press Select to choose a value or press Exit to return without choosing any value.
Menu Alt Activates the main menu, if available. Allows selection from the menu bar without use of the mouse. Navigation using arrow keys.
Next Block Shift -Page Down Moves the cursor to the next block in the form that contains at least one enterable field.
Next Item (Field) Tab Moves the cursor to the next enterable item in the current record. Cursor will wrap back to the beginning from the last item.
Next Primary Key Shift-F7 Moves cursor to the next enterable item in the current record that has been designated as part of the "primary key". Primary keys are those fields in the record that make it unique.
Next Record Down Arrow or Page Down Moves the cursor to the next record in the current block. If only one record can be displayed on the screen the cursor will remain stationary and the record displayed will change. IF no more records are found Next Record creates a new blank record (unless current record is blank).
Next Word Control-Right Arrow In a multi-word item will move the cursor to the next word.
Next Set of Records Shift F8 Retrieves the next set of records into the current block from records that satisfy an active query. The number of records in a set is determined by the design of the form. The cursor is placed on the first record of the set.
Paste Control-V Pastes text in paste buffer at current cursor location. Must have been preceded by Cut or Copy.
Previous Block Shift Page Up Moves the cursor to the previous block in the form that contains at least one enterable item.
Previous Item (Field) Shift-Tab Moves the cursor to the previous enterable item in the current record.
Previous Word Control-Left Arrow In a multi-word item will move the cursor to the previous word.
Previous Record Up Arrow or Page Up Moves the cursor to the previous record in the current block. If only one record is displayed, the record will change and the cursor will remain stationary.
Print Control P Writes the current screen to a file and asks if you want to print it.
Redefine User Password Control-N Changes your password to a new one that you select and enter.
Refresh ??? Redraws the screen image. Can be used when screen as not been updated properly.
Return Enter Acknowledges the current message. In some forms may act as the Select or Accept function.
Right Right Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the right within an item or line.
Scroll Down
Shifts the window of the current block or list down by about 80%, displaying records that are currently out of view.
Scroll Left
Shifts the item's window to the left by about 80% of the item's entire display width, displaying contents that are currently out of view.
Scroll Right
Shifts the item's window to the right by about 80% of the item's entire display width, displaying contents that are currently out of view
Scroll Up
Shifts the window of the current block or list up by about 80%, displaying records that are currently out of view
Displays a dialog box for entering search and replace criteria. Searches forward or back from the current cursor position. Available only in some pop-up editors.
Select a choice in a list of a dialog box.
Select Text Shift Left- or Shift Right- Arrow Highlights select text for editing. Selected text can be then cut, copied or deleted.
Show Background Menu
Displays the background menu for the current application, if available. The (BGM) indicator will show this.
Show Keys Control K Displays the function key assignments currently in effect. You may return to the form or menu you were working on by pressing Accept. Only keys valid in the current context are shown. If the information is larger than one screen Up and Down may be used to navigate.

See also Help.
Moves the cursor to the same item in the previous record. If only one record is visible in the block, the cursor will remain stationary and the record will change.
Where Display
Displays the menu path, which is the list of menu names that lead to the current menu.